Transparent Company
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Transparent Company
Content Transparent Company
Porto di Livorno 2000, as a subsidiary company though non under the control of the following institutions:
- The North Tyrrhenian Sea Ports System Authority
- Chamber of Commerce IHA OF Maremma and Tyrrhenian sea
In compliance with Legislative Decree 14th March 2013, no. 33 (in the Official Journal no. 80 of 5th April 2013 – in force from 20th April 2013), as amended by Legislative Decree 97/16 - “Reorganization of the discipline concerning the obligations of publicity, transparency and dissemination of information by public administrations”, publishes the notice below.
Disclosed personal data shall not be reusable unless under the conditions set by the current regulation on the reuse of public data (EU Directive 2003/98/EC and Legislative Decree no. 36/2006 transposing it), in terms compatible with the purposes for which they were collected and recorded, and in compliance with the laws on the protection of personal data.
Allegato società trasparente
Contenuto Accesso civico
Allegato Accesso civico
Allegato Altro
PORTO DI LIVORNO 2000 s.r.l.
Piazzale dei Marmi, 12 - 57123 Livorno (LI)
Tel. 0586.202901